The Bachelorette Party
Usually, I'm not a big wine person, or an alcohol person for that matter, but if I could make a suggestion for all you wine lovers out there, there are a couple of wines that I particularly liked.
White wine: all go very well with fish, chicken, and seafood
1. Sauvignon Blanc
2. Gewurztraminer
3. Riesling
Red wine (not a big fan of red wine): pairs nicely with red meats and pastas
1. Merlot
There were a few dessert wines that I liked also but I forgot the names of them..oh well. Check out more pictures from the trip on my Facebook.
Hanging out with a few of the older sisters on this trip made me miss my Roots girls back in Ann Arbor. The friendships, the comraderie, the laughs, even the drama (not that we had a lot) were all things that I definitely took for granted in college. Now that I'm back at home in a different environment, I realize the importance of having community, especially with other peers my age.
So to all the Roots girls, wherever you are, I MISS YOU!! and update me on how you guys are doing!
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